Monday, October 15, 2007

Making Due

I've run out of shampoo. Food. Dog food. The clean laundry is still in the basket. I just swept up enough fur to stuff a baby's ski jacket. And I drove to work this morning rather than trying to figure out where to park for street cleaning.

When the hubby's away, a girl's got to play. Or, alternatively, she can sit still and watch her clean, well-organized and well-stocked world come tumbling down.

And so we have Club351, my personal indoor skating rink until the neighbors bang down the door. I've managed to get comfortable with a few of the WFTDA Minimum Skill Requirements. Yup, under "Balance/Agility," I think I have the forward, backward and side to side stepping down. Plus, I'm twirling like a toddler on crack.

Go figure. When you take the arm chair and ottoman out of the living room, it's actually quit spacious. There even is a nice straightaway through the French doors deep into the bedroom.

I would have taken more pictures to show you, but the camera batteries are dead and refusing resuscitation. If the husband was here, he would have figured it out and cheered me on.

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